Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Serial Planes

 My second model project was on serial planes. The goal is to take a shape and repeat it while it slowly morphs to create one large form. I had to create a pattern of many 2-D shapes to make one 3-D figure. It's entirely made out of foamcore and glue. I made it without any major difficulties, unless you count the loss of sleep...

 I used greyscale markers to shade my perspective drawing this time.

Paper Sculptures

For my first post, I thought I 'd show the first project I made. The assignment was called "Space and Motion" and we had to make two paper sculptures. One sculpture had to show movement or imbalance while the other remained motionless and balanced.

 This is my static sculpture. It took me a while to figure out the measurements for this one. There was a lot more math involved than I had expected. It wasn't perfect but I was happy with the outcome.

 This is my dynamic sculpture. It took way less time to complete than the other one. I don't think it showed movement or imbalance very well but I thought it looked cool so I did it anyways. I cut a peach into slices and placed them together to see how it would look before I made it. I don't know why, but I like to think that it helped.

For every project we have to do a perspective drawing in pencil, so this was mine.